Saturday, April 28, 2007

Back Finally+

Finally i am back , the past few months just went pass in a blink of an eye... Working, sleeping, working,resting then sleeping, the cycle just goes on.

Sometimes i really wonder when we grow up and go into the adult world, does everything just go on and on and on till the day we die? Everything just seem to whizz past you and before you know it, time has already left you behind, the only thing that catches up with is your age.

Therefore, next time when i world, i will make it a point to travel overseas frequently and see more of the world then will my life be more colourful and bright. I wouldn't want to be stuck doing the same job over and over again without experiencing anything.

Such a sad post but this is what i felt when i looked back these past few months that have past.. haiz when will school start for mi??